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Lucas Mariotti
Lucas Mariotti

Aurad E Fatiha Pdfzip

Aurad E Fatiha Pdfzip

Aurad E Fatiha is a collection of prayers and supplications compiled by the famous Sufi saint and scholar, Mir Sayyid Ali Hamdani, also known as Shah Hamdan. He was born in Hamadan, Iran, in 1314 CE and traveled extensively in the Islamic world, spreading the teachings of Islam and Sufism. He is regarded as one of the founders of the Naqshbandi order and a patron saint of Kashmir. He wrote many books on various subjects, such as theology, jurisprudence, ethics, mysticism, and history. Aurad E Fatiha is one of his most popular works, especially among the people of Kashmir, who recite it regularly for spiritual blessings and protection.

Aurad E Fatiha consists of several chapters, each containing different types of prayers and supplications. The first chapter is called Awrad-e-Fatiha, which means "the recitations of the opening". It contains the opening verses of the Quran, Surah al-Fatiha, followed by various praises and salutations to Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him). The second chapter is called Dua Riqab, which means "the supplication of the necks". It is a powerful supplication for seeking Allah's forgiveness and mercy, as well as protection from the evils of this world and the hereafter. The third chapter is called Dua al-Mashlool, which means "the supplication of the paralytic". It is a supplication attributed to Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), who recited it when he was struck by a poisoned sword in the mosque of Kufa. It is said that whoever recites this supplication will be cured from any illness or affliction. The fourth chapter is called Dua al-Jawshan al-Kabir, which means "the supplication of the great armor". It is a supplication attributed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who taught it to his grandson Imam Hasan (may Allah be pleased with him). It is said that whoever recites this supplication will be protected from all kinds of harm and evil. The fifth chapter is called Dua al-Jawshan al-Saghir, which means "the supplication of the small armor". It is a shorter version of the previous supplication, containing 100 names and attributes of Allah. The sixth chapter is called Dua al-Saifi, which means "the supplication of the sword". It is a supplication attributed to Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him), who recited it before going to battle. It is said that whoever recites this supplication will be victorious over his enemies and granted success in his endeavors. The seventh chapter is called Dua al-Nudba, which means "the supplication of lamentation". It is a supplication attributed to Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), who recited it on the day of Ashura, mourning the martyrdom of his grandfather Imam Husayn (may Allah be pleased with him) and his companions. It is said that whoever recites this supplication will be granted the intercession of Imam Mahdi and his ancestors on the Day of Judgment. The eighth chapter is called Dua al-Tawassul, which means "the supplication of seeking nearness". It is a supplication that invokes the names and ranks of 14 infallible personalities from the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), starting from Imam Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) and ending with Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance). It is said that whoever recites this supplication will be granted their intercession and nearness to Allah. The ninth chapter is called Dua al-Mujir, which means "the supplication of the rescuer". It is a supplication that seeks refuge in Allah from all kinds of calamities and misfortunes. It is said that whoever recites this supplication will be saved from any danger or distress. The tenth chapter is called Dua al-Hujjat, which means "the supplication of the proof". It is a supplication that praises and greets Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance), who is the proof of Allah on earth and the leader of the righteous. It is said that whoever recites this supplication will be among his followers and helpers.

Aurad E Fatiha Pdfzip

Aurad E Fatiha Pdfzip is a compressed file format that contains the PDF version of Aurad E Fatiha. It can be downloaded from various online sources, such as [] . It can be opened and read using any PDF reader software, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader. Aurad E Fatiha Pdfzip is a convenient way of accessing and storing this valuable book of prayers and supplications, which can be recited at any time and place for spiritual benefits and blessings.


  • : [PDF] Aurad-E-Fatiha (اوراد فتحيه) -

  • : Aurad E Fatiha By Shah Hamdan r.a : Mohammad Nadeem Bashir : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

  • :

  • : Aurad-e-Fatiha: A Gift of Shah Hamdan for the People of Kashmir - Kashmir Reader

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